Monday, March 22, 2010

Product Review: Plump it up with Great Lips Rx

Well we’ve longed for them but had yet to find a lip plumper that we liked until now. A friend of ours told us about Great Lips Rx Lip Enhancer and we decided to try it.

There are so many products on the market that claim to increase the size of your lips for that pouty look we all long for. Celebrities have covered magazine ads and red carpet appearances with that sexy, pouty look that we yearn for. As women age there are many changes that occur and one of them is the loss of plump lips. We see them on other women and so we want them for ourselves. Some women are blessed with full luscious lips that do not thin over time but many us need to look for a “support system”. The lips can start to appear less full and the lip line can thin and appear non-existent. Many women will try to reverse this with lip injections but many are not thrilled by the idea of it and look for an alternative to lip injections with a topical lip plumper.

What is a lip plumper? A lip plumper is applied like lip gloss and has a tingling sensation to help increase the size (plump ‘em up) and darken the lips. Some lip plumpers can have such an intense tingling sensation that it is not desirable and feels more like a burn. Great Lips Rx does have a tingling sensation but it is not overly intense. It helps plump lips upon application and also darkens lips to a rosier red than before application.

Here is more detailed product information from Great Lips Rx:
• Delivers full, pouty, sexy lips in minutes, with effects that can last for hours
• Safe and easy-to-use and does not require injections
• Perfect for use after fillers and between sessions
• Contains lip-stimulating peptide and vitamin plumpers
• Made with advanced formula that increases circulation on lip surface
• Moisturizes, hydrates, and smoothes
• Makes thin lips appear fuller and more sensual
• Gives a more youthful appearance to mature lips

Tip: If you are using a lip plumper and feel that is migrates after application, try using a lip liner to help corral it to stay in place on your lips and not travel to the rest of your face.

Great Lips Rx is available at various retailers online, I saw it on It is listed as recommended by dermatologists and plastic surgeons. At only $24 (0.25 fl oz), it is a good price to try the product and see if you like the results.

Great Lips Rx directions and ingredients for review listed here.

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Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring - Full Steam Ahead

Spring can change a person, it can awaken them in a way like no other season can. After a dreary winter full of rain, snow and cold; spring can feel like a fresh start.

People tend to have more energy, almost as if they are awakening from winter hibernation and feel like doing projects outsides again. Many will start walking or exercising in preparation for summer and "shorts" weather. People can return to their favorite hobbies like gardening, golfing or watching your favorite sport baseball. Spring is also a time where in some families gatherings become more frequent with holiday weekends and nice weather bringing everyone together again.

With the first day of spring happening tomorrow, March 20th, what is something that you are looking forward to this spring?

Share it with us and we will select our favorite response and send you a product of your choice. Post your response here, on Facebook, or by email to One winner will be selected on Fri, Mar 26th @ 9am/PT.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Smile...It's St. Patrick's Day!

Did you remember to wear green?

If not, you might have some "green" in your wallet and technically you are "wearing" it if you are carrying your purse. It might be a stretch but it is okay to be creative.

Whenever a day comes along that bring smiles to many, enjoy it there are not enough days like this in the year.

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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Still not walking? Here are more reasons to start...

Still in front of the computer? Here are more reasons to take a break and go for a walk...

Walking can help:
• Prevent depression, colon cancer, constipation, osteoporosis, and impotence
• Lengthen lifespan
• Lower stress levels
• Relieve arthritis and back pain
• Strengthen muscles, bones, and joints
• Improve sleep
• Elevate overall mood and sense of well-being.

How do you know if you are walking fast enough and often enought to reap the benefits?
It is recomeneded to walk for at least 30 minutes a day and walk 5 days per week. While walking, you should be able have a conversation but still keep up a steady pace. If you are winded and can't catch your breath, slow down and keep a steady pace.

Read all of the tips and more on walking in the AARP article, The Benefits of Walking.

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Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Are you walking? You should be...

Are you walking? Walking provides not only great exercise for your body but it also can serve as a stress reliever.

Do you ever feel sluggish or not motivated to do anything? Next time this happens, go take a walk. It can revitalize your day and help reduce stress. It can also serve as a great way to catch up with a girlfriend or enjoy the changing seasons.

If you are still not motivated, then look at this list from the AARP that lists the benefits of walking and see if any of them catch your attention.

Walking can help:
• Manage your weight.
• Control your blood pressure.
• Decrease your risk of heart attack.
• Boost "good" cholesterol – the level of high-density lipoproteins (HDL).
• Lower your risk of stroke.
• Reduce your risk of breast cancer and type 2 diabetes.
• Avoid your need for gallstone surgery.
• Protect against hip fracture.

Tips on walking excerpted from the AARP article, The Numerous Benefits of Walking.

Let's get walking...

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Thursday, March 4, 2010

Do you zap it or bake it?

March is National Frozen Food Month but March 6th is Frozen Food day.

What is in your freezer? Are you stocking up this month – there should an abundant amount of frozen food on sale this month.

Frozen food has come a long way from TV dinners in aluminum foil, frozen pizza that we described as cardboard and Hungry Man dinners that still left you hungry but 10 pound heavier from fat and water retention from the abundance of sodium. At least there are options with frozen vegetables and side dishes to family friendly meals that are conscious of nutrition.

Have you watched the Healthy Choice commercials in the last few months? I was intrigued with their marketing campaign and visited their website once I realized it was Frozen Food month. What I did not know is that they have been running a pseudo campaign to show how Julia-Louis Dreyfus becomes the Healthy Choice spokesperson. In the ads it seems as if she is saying that she doesn’t want to do it and that is what I thought the spoof was but Con Agra, the makers of Healthy Choice, has a website called It is funny to see the commercials again and she how it all comes together.

Also available on the Healthy Choice ( site is product descriptions, nutritional information and coupons to print at home. ( Check other frozen food favorites of your and see if they have any coupons this month. Visit their corporate website for offers listed and check local ads.

Whether you zap it or bake it – enjoy some frozen food this month!

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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

10 Items Every Woman Needs in Her Wardrobe

Have you ever looked in your closet and wondered where you went wrong? How come some women can look so put together and seem to do it effortlessly?

This video features Kate Shifrin, a stylist and Marjie Killeen, a blogger. Kate shows Marjie how to piece together 10 staples in her wardrobe. Watch the video and see what you might be missing to have the basics in your closet. Once you have them then it will be easier to put them together and feel great with little effort.

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Monday, March 1, 2010

Recipe for Peanut Butter Lovers' Day (3/1)

In honor of Peanut Butter Lovers' Day (3/1) we are posting one of our favorite peanut butter recipes. This recipe happens to be one of Paula Deen's called Magical Peanut Butter Cookies.

1 egg
1 cup sugar, or 1 1/3 cup sugar replacement (recommended: Splenda)
1 cup peanut butter, creamy or crunchy
1 teaspoon vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine the peanut butter, sugar (or sugar substitute), egg, and vanilla in a mixing bowl. Stir until ingredients form dough. Roll the dough into balls the size of walnuts. Place the balls on a greased cookie sheet. With a fork, dipped in sugar/sugar substitute to prevent sticking, press a crisscross design on each cookie. Bake for 12 minutes, remove from the oven, and sprinkle the cookies with some of the remaining sugar/sugar substitute. Cool slightly before removing from pan.

Yields 18 cookies.

This recipe can be found online at Paula Deen's website or in Paula's Home Cooking/Lady and Sons Too! cookbook Pg. 229. Visit for more peanut butter recipes.

Stay tuned for giveaways featuring Paula Deen's cookbooks and cooking accessories that we are hosting.

Photo courtesy of

5 Smart Comfort Foods When You Have a Cold

Having a cold is just plain lousy – it’s miserable to have a runny nose, coughs and sneezes. Be sure to drink plenty of fluids and keep your skin well moisturized with an extra dose of Striking Serum layered with Striking Creme. And to help beat the blahs and to give yourself a little TLC, we’re sharing some of our favorite comfort foods.

Cold season is here and when you feel lousy, you want comfort as well as healthy choices. Fitness Magazine highlighted some great choices that should help soothe your cold and keep your diet on track. Each one of these snacks is packed with cold-fighting vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that may help make your cold less severe.

Our traditional favorite - Chicken Soup!
It may be cliché, but Chicken soup is the perfect comfort food when you've got a cold! Drinking plenty of hot, nurturing fluids is essential when you're feeling run down and research at the Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha showed that chicken soup helps control the production and spread of inflammation and congestion-causing neutrophils (white blood cells).

Recommended serving size: 1 cup
Calories: about 190

Soothing Ginger Tea with Gingersnaps
Ginger helps relieve congestion and has a soothing, spicy taste. To make a throat-calming, congestion-busting tea, steep chopped raw ginger in boiling water for about 10 minutes. Make your teatime a little sweeter by adding a teaspoon of honey to the brew and two crunchy gingersnap cookies on the side. We think this is good on a rainy day, too!

Recommended serving size: 1 cup of tea with 1 teaspoon honey and 2 small gingersnaps
Calories: about 85

Fresh Clementines or Satsumas
Easy to peel, fresh, sweet and tangy all at once, they are a great source of Vitamin C – just two fulfill 100 percent of your RDA of vitamin C.

Recommended serving size: 2 clementines
Calories: about 138

Open Those Sinuses Vegetarian Chili
A spicy veggie chili made with onions, garlic, kidney beans, tomato paste and a good dash of chili peppers not only warms up a cold-afflicted body, it may also have medicinal properties! Onions and garlic have antiviral effects, beans have good-for-the-immune-system B vitamins, and the spices can actually help clear sinuses!

Recommended serving size: 1 cup canned vegetarian chili
Calories: about 160

Tuna Salad
Packed with glutamine, an amino acid that helps step up your immune system's efficiency, tuna is a great pick when you're sick. Research at the University of Oxford showed that athletes who ingested glutamine after workouts were less likely to get an upper respiratory infection than those who didn't; for regular folk, glutamine could have the same beneficial effects. Mix your tuna with a tablespoon of low-fat mayonnaise and serve it on 6 whole-grain crackers for a healthy mini meal.

Recommended serving size: 1 6-ounce can of tuna packed in water with 1 tablespoon low-fat mayonnaise and 6 whole-grain crackers
Calories: about 290

Excerpted from, January 2006.

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