Thursday, March 11, 2010

Still not walking? Here are more reasons to start...

Still in front of the computer? Here are more reasons to take a break and go for a walk...

Walking can help:
• Prevent depression, colon cancer, constipation, osteoporosis, and impotence
• Lengthen lifespan
• Lower stress levels
• Relieve arthritis and back pain
• Strengthen muscles, bones, and joints
• Improve sleep
• Elevate overall mood and sense of well-being.

How do you know if you are walking fast enough and often enought to reap the benefits?
It is recomeneded to walk for at least 30 minutes a day and walk 5 days per week. While walking, you should be able have a conversation but still keep up a steady pace. If you are winded and can't catch your breath, slow down and keep a steady pace.

Read all of the tips and more on walking in the AARP article, The Benefits of Walking.

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  1. People seem to have more problems with understanding protein and what source is the best. American culture suggests that the more meat you eat the better off you are. The most important thing is to give food that matches the animal's needs. For instance, a cow should be fed mostly hay, as it is an herbivore. Lions, tigers and domestic cats are true carnivores and need mostly a meat diet. People, bears and dogs are omnivores as they an get their nutritional needs from many sources.

  2. benefits there are too many and one must find the time to go brisk walking every day.It is essential to exercise as much as it is essential to take good care of the diet.
